terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009

Draught Beer is Finally Here!

Rhymes aside, let us all bask in the wondrous delight of Superbock's draught beers warming glow. So wonderful and brimming with delights is this occasion on point of fact; that the Kitsch Hostel's knuckle dragging, ruthless, and utterly incorruptible bar manager allowed, very briefly, for the bare-assed dude (Daniel) in a previous post to take full advantage of the occasion.
Rest assured, it won't happening again, although perhaps if you should leave a large pile of money on a table in front of him and it should happen to not be there the next second. Don't be suprised if an impromptu photo oppurtunity should suddenly arise. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink....

Kitsch Hostel
Praça dos Restauradores, 65, Lisbon, Portugal
Tel: 00351 213467332 • kitschhostel@yahoo.com



1 comentário:

  1. Ola, sou brasileiro e fiquei hospedado no hostel. Recomendo!!! A Sueca e o Tcheco da recepcao sao muito amigaveis, otima localizacao, preco bom, internet gratis, limpo e organizado. Se eu pudesse moraria um mes ou mais rsrs.
    Hello, I am a brazilian and I slept in this hostel. I DO RECOMMEND!!!The Swedish girl and the Czech guy (reception staff) are very friendly, perfect localization, free internet, good price, clean and tidy. If I could I would live there hehe

